I have dedicated my life to the study of martial arts. Through this study, I have evolved the many styles I have trained in, taking the useful and discarding the useless, while seeking to fill emptiness in all ways. In doing so, I created Renegade Jeet Kune Do, the Worden Defense System, and the brotherhood of Natural Spirit International. It has been, and always will be for me, about spreading the arts and connecting the systems.
I created WordenDefense.com in response to a changing landscape in self-defense instruction. This changing landscape comes about for two reasons. The first is obvious; technology advances have opened doors to online capabilities and information dissemination not available even a year ago.
The second is not so obvious to everyone, but is important to understand the context of the launch of WordenDefense.com. Simply put, the world is becoming more and more dangerous every day and I cannot reach in-person everyone who inquires about learning real-life self-defense. I still teach in my private facility and through seminars, but for those who cannot meet in person and who are interested in true self-defense, a third option was needed. WordenDefense.com is that third option.
Creating an online learning center in WordenDefense.com will allow me to continue to spread the gospel of real self-defense, where there is no tap out. WordenDefense.com members will get to learn in an environment that is as close to live training in my seminars, or private training facility, as is possible.
For true self-defense, look no further than Worden Defense System. I recently ran into a US Army soldier that I first met several years ago when I was training the 1st Special Forces Group. To be honest, I didn’t remember him. But he remembered me and he started telling his co-workers about how the strategies and tactics he learned during my training of the 1st SFG saved his life.
Friends, I’m not interested in the warm fuzzies. I’m only interested in helping you be that 24/7 bodyguard for yourself, your family, and your friends. Join today and I promise you will not be disappointed.